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5 Ways To Manage Conflict At Your Dealership

Finger pointing
  • Find the Cause
  • Stay Human
  • Document
  • Eyes on Goal
  • Lead by Example

Conflict happens everywhere, whether we like it or not. It can be a simple disagreement, an absence of something essential, or a significant problem. But what’s a bigger problem than the actual conflict is if you don’t do anything about in hopes that it will “work itself out.” This is absolutely the wrong thing to do. 

So, how can you not eliminate, but successfully manage conflict at your dealership? The following are 5 ways you can effectively do that: 

1) Don’t Point Fingers – Find the Cause 

When conflict arises, it’s in our human nature to want to point the fingers to anyone but ourselves. Sure, there may have been a mistake that a single person did that caused the conflict. However, focusing on what could have been the root cause of the conflict will help your overall team in preventing mistakes from happening in the future. 

2) Understand That Everyone Is Human

You know the phrase, “I’m only human, after all,”? Well, this applies for a way that you can approach managing conflict at your dealership. Be sympathetic towards the situation as we all make mistakes, and work together with your team to understand why it happened. This will create strong problem-solving skills and will strengthen your team as a whole. 

3) Document It 

Write down the root of the conflict and the triggers that caused it to happen. Make sure everyone knows their individual and department responsibilities, as these will differ depending on the groups involved. Documenting the entirety of the conflict will help avoid it from presenting itself in your dealership ever again. It can also serve as a reference point to any potential future lessons or reminders you may need to give team members. 

4) Stay Goal-Oriented 

A dealership is a team effort, not a single person running it all. This is why it’s essential when conflict happens, you remain focused on the goals. Discussing conflict in the workplace is never an enjoyable topic of conversation for anyone. However, if you present and remind about the goals of your dealership, the parties might be more apt to discuss the conflict and how best to work through it to achieve those goals. 

5) Lead By Example 

Only after you’ve discussed the conflict with the entire team, will you be able to show the change that can follow after a conflict. Lead by example to show how your dealership can handle conflict with ease and confidence. Once your team sees that conflict doesn’t mean the end of the world, they’ll be empowered and enabled with the techniques to successfully manage any future conflict. 

There’s an inspirational quote that goes, “every setback is a set up to an even greater comeback.” Follow these 5 ways on how to manage conflict at your dealership, and you’ll have a great comeback.