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2018: The Year of Growth for You

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Happy New Year everybody! We hope you all had a restful time and were able to spend some quality time with loved ones.

Now it’s time to get serious about your business goals for 2018 and time to lay out your plan for getting there. For 2018, we at AMT are proclaiming that 2018 is the year of growth for our customers.

To support this mantra we are going to publish new posts with worksheets, calculators and tools to help you set and hopefully exceed all your revenue and business goals for 2018. These posts and materials will cover all aspects of running and growing a small business from sales, to marketing, getting funding, hiring, leasing, tax prep, you name it. We want to help you grow by helping you quickly handle the time consuming but necessary aspects of growing a business, much like our software helps you manage your customers.

Why listen to us?

Why should you listen to a software company for business building advice? First of all we are a business ourselves and we face the same challenges you face every day running yours. We also work with customers all over the US and we have the unique ability to be able to discuss the business needs and challenges, and hear amazing solutions from our customers. We also work in many varied industries such as dealerships, one-man repair shops and multi location franchises. What works in one industry is often adaptable to another and that is our plan for this year. We want to let you in on the tools and techniques that are working elsewhere in the business but adapt them to your needs.

Will this be difficult or time consuming?

With any business task, it will take some investment of time. But in this case there is a return on that investment in time. The spreadsheets and worksheets will most certainly save you time from having to create them.

These tools are also designed to be easy to use, and each tool will come with an instruction blog post explaining the rationale behind it, tips for completing the task, and considerations if you wish to create your own tools.

Will this cost me anything?

No. These are intentionally designed to be free resources to you. All you will need is to enter an email address to download a specific guide or resource and the access will be within each blog post. We employ a marketing automation system that houses all these materials and an email address is needed to have the worksheet or template sent to you.

Why are we doing this?

As a business we need successful customers in order to continue our own growth. And we realize that success comes from mastering many aspects of business not just the ones that our software tools solve. When you are successful, we are successful. We also realize that we have a much larger team with many years of experience in different areas of the business. We decided that if we could put that knowledge to use helping our customers and prospects grow their business then why not?

Let’s get started!

So stay tuned and be sure to subscribe to our blog using the button below so that you do not miss out on a single AMT growth hacking tool! Also if you have any business growth needs that you would like us to tackle for you here, feel free to email suggestions to us at

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