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What is your Resolution?

This time of year is a great time to re-evaluate what we do in our lives.  Whether you call them resolutions or goals, New Years brings on a feeling of renewal, of a fresh start.  Unfortunately most New Years resolutions are abandoned by February – primarily because of failing to plan for it.

Resolutions are not always easy, they involve changing a set of behaviors.  Now some just make good sense – eat better, exercise more – and have a built in motivators (your health).  Other popular goals – get organized, better work/life balance – may need some more defined set of plans to be successful.  Changing a set of behaviors is difficult, humans are creatures of habit and we do the things we have done for years for a reason.  So here are a few steps to take to make it easier.

Overcoming old habits requires three things: dissatisfaction of a current state, a vision of desired results and the first steps to move into that direction. Let’s take for instance the goal to become more organized.  Look around your office.  Are there stacks of paper?  Files of photos, either printed out or on your computer but not filed in the correct order with each inspection?  How about invoices – are there any not reconciled and accounted for?  If the answer to any of these questions was “yes” you’ve already met the first requirement in overcoming dis-organization – dissatisfaction with your current level of organization.

The next step is pretty easy – look around your office and envision what it would be like without all the clutter.  Envision no more lost, torn or stained work orders.  Imagine inspections, work orders and invoices for each car electronically organized with digital photos attached.  This organization would result in faster work order authorization, quicker turn around for invoicing and fewer outstanding invoices.  Sounds pretty good huh?

As for your first steps – look to technology to help.  Put the power of a mobile application with years of experience in the auto reconditioning business in your corner.  AutoMobile Technologies ReconPro is a quick and reliable solution to your organization needs.  It allows your business to become paper-less, increase cash flow and reduce errors – giving you a superior professional image!